When you have just finished getting your new braces put on, your breath might be the last thing on your mind. However, as the months go on, this may begin to be more of a problem. You may even have some awkward conversations with your friends and loved ones as the smell becomes more noticeable. […]
Things You Should Know About Bad Breath with Braces
Bad breath is a common condition that is believed to affect more than 50% of the total population today. The condition is particularly pronounced in people with braces. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent or deal with bad breath while wearing braces. What causes it? The leading cause of bad breath is […]
Ways to Avoid Bad Breath
Bad breath, or halitosis, is common in more than a quarter of the population of the world. Just because it is a common condition does not mean that it is acceptable. It is embarrassing for the person who has it and hard on the people around them. However, there are simple ways you can avoid […]
Good Habits for Preventing Bad Breath
Many people struggle with bad breath. While you may have tried all of the traditional remedies such as brushing the tongue and flossing regularly, there are many other strategies you can implement to keep bad breath at bay. Here are some good habits for preventing bad breath: Watch Your Diet The food you eat is […]
Essential Tips on How To Keep Your Breath Fresh with Braces
Bad breath is an embarrassing but often avoidable consequence of having braces. The main reason why braces wearers suffer from bad breath is that the bacteria in the mouth that actually cause bad breath have much more to cling to, and so can multiply with ease. How to keep your breath fresh? Here are some […]