Invisalign is rapidly becoming one of the most popular options for teen in need of braces. Teenagers can be self-conscious about their appearance, which can get worse when wearing traditional braces. Fortunately, Invisalign Teen can cure all of those self-conscious worries. Since Invisalign Teen trays are completely invisible, nobody will even know if somebody is wearing them.
While Invisalign Teen retainers are completely different than traditional braces, they still have to be properly maintained in order to deliver the best results. These are the five things you must do each day to properly maintain and keep your aligning trays completely clean while they work to straighten your teeth.
Rinse When Removed
Your Invisalign Teen retainers need to be rinsed every time they are removed. Even if you only take them out for a few seconds, they still need to be rinsed with water. Saliva and plaque start to build up on the retainers as they sit on your teeth.
Removing the trays without rinsing allows bacteria to grow on the dried saliva and plaque. If bacteria is allowed to grow, then it will discolor your teeth while giving you bad breath at the same time.
Brush and Floss Before Wearing
Your teeth are a breeding ground for bacteria because of all the food particles that enter your mouth. Properly brushing and flossing your teeth is the only way to remove it. If you do not brush and floss before putting on your Invisalign Teen trays, then bacteria will be trapped against your teeth all day. Trapped bacteria can potentially cause cavities and tooth decay if it is left untreated for long enough.
Gently Brush Retainers
Brushing the Invisalign Teen retainers is the first thing you must do to properly clean them at the end of the night. You must also make sure you are only lightly brushing the whole time. Brushing harder can leave scuffs and scratches on the retainers. These markings will be visible while wearing the retainers, so you will lose the main benefit of Invisalign if everyone can see you are wearing something on your teeth.
Clean with Soap
Once you are cleaning the trays, you need to clean them with anti-bacterial soap and water. The anti-bacterial soap will work to kill all of the bacteria that may have gathered on the retainers while you were wearing them throughout the day.
You need to make sure you use a clear soap during this cleaning process because some colored anti-bacterial soaps can stain the retainers over time. Once you have used a clear soap to clean the retainers, you need to let them soak overnight while you sleep.
Contact Us
If you are interested in Invisalign Teen Retainers or need assistance in maintaining them, contact Runnels Orthodontics today.