Invisalign in Destin & Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Orthodontic treatment has long been associated with the discomfort and inconvenience of traditional metal braces. Many individuals have hesitated to undergo orthodontic treatment, citing these factors as deterrents. However, living with crooked or misaligned teeth can have long-lasting effects on one’s overall oral health. Fortunately, with advancements in orthodontics, Invisalign treatment offers a more comfortable and convenient option for those seeking to improve the alignment of their teeth.

At Runnels Orthodontics in Destin, FL, we take great pride in offering patients the renowned Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is the preferred choice for clear aligners and is an advanced orthodontic solution that is both efficient and comfortable. We are committed to meticulously assessing your unique orthodontic needs and delivering high-quality, personalized care that will leave you with the perfect smile you have always dreamed of.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a groundbreaking advancement in the world of orthodontics, offering a sleek alternative to traditional braces. It comprises a series of clear aligners tailored uniquely for each patient. These aligners work diligently to shift your teeth into their desired position. The benefits of choosing Invisalign are manifold. Not only does it provide an aesthetic advantage, but it also promises convenience and flexibility that traditional braces often can’t match.

How Does Invisalign Work?

  • Wear each set of aligners for about two weeks.
  • Remove only to eat, drink, brush, and floss.
  • Your teeth will move gradually each week.
  • Visit us every 8-10 weeks.
  • Total treatment time averages 6-15 months.
  • Average number of aligners is between 18 and 30.

Benefits of Invisalign


Invisalign is a comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces. The aligners are made of a smooth, flexible plastic that fits comfortably over the teeth and won’t cause any irritation or discomfort. 


Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible when worn, so you won’t have to worry about people noticing your orthodontic treatment. This makes it ideal for adults who want to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to themselves.


Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed when eating and cleaning your teeth, making it much easier to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment.

Faster Treatment

Invisalign can help reduce the time needed for treatment compared to traditional braces, with some patients achieving results in as little as six months.

Improved Oral Health

Since Invisalign aligners can be easily removed when brushing and flossing, patients are more likely to keep up with their oral hygiene routine during treatment, which can help improve overall oral health.

No Food Restrictions

With traditional braces, certain foods must be avoided to prevent damage to the brackets and wires; however, with Invisalign, there are no such restrictions, as the aligners can be removed before eating and replaced afterward.

Customized Treatment Plan

Each patient’s treatment plan is customized based on their individual needs and goals; this means that each patient will receive a plan tailored specifically for them rather than a one-size-fits-all approach like with traditional braces.

What to Expect During Invisalign Treatment

We will begin by examining your mouth, including your teeth, jaws, jaw joints, and muscular tissues. We will evaluate them as a total useful unit and determine whether Invisalign is the proper treatment path for you. Dr. Runnels will then take a 3D scan of your teeth and submit it to the Invisalign laboratories. Making use of the latest 3D digital technology, Align Technology will produce your customized aligners as instructed by Dr. Runnels. Each aligner repositions your teeth progressively millimeter by millimeter until the best outcomes have been achieved. Treatment time for a full Invisalign procedure usually lasts about 12 months. However, each situation varies.

Also, you can brush and floss normally to maintain healthy gums and teeth, and there are no wires, metal, or brackets to cause mouth abrasions. Many of our patients had never considered traditional braces but are now happily and comfortably improving their smiles with Invisalign.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign

How often do I need to wear Invisalign aligners?

Invisalign aligners should be worn for about 20 to 22 hours a day. They can be removed for eating, drinking (except for water), brushing, and flossing. It is important to wear the aligners as directed to ensure the best results.

Does Invisalign treatment hurt?

Invisalign aligners may cause mild discomfort or pressure when switching to a new set. This is normal and usually subsides within a day or two.

How do I clean my Invisalign aligners?

You can clean your Invisalign aligners by gently brushing them with a soft toothbrush and lukewarm water. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can scratch the aligners. You can also soak your aligners in a cleaning solution for 20 minutes daily. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. It is also important to brush your teeth and tongue after each meal, even if you are wearing your aligners. This will help to prevent plaque and bacteria from building up on your teeth and gums.

Is Invisalign suitable for everyone?

The effectiveness of Invisalign largely depends on the individual case, as more complex issues may require traditional braces or other orthodontic treatments. During our consultation, we will evaluate your needs and determine if Invisalign is suitable for you. Following the treatment plan carefully and attending regular check-ups is important to achieve the best results.

Transform Your Smile in Destin, FL, With Invisalign

At Runnels Orthodontics in Destin, FL, we understand that a straight, beautiful smile can help your overall dental health. We offer Invisalign treatment, the clear, comfortable, and virtually invisible alternative to traditional metal braces. With Invisalign, you can achieve the smile of your dreams without anyone even noticing that you’re undergoing treatment! We will evaluate your dental needs and provide a customized Invisalign treatment plan tailored to your lifestyle and goals. Contact us by calling (850) 269-0333 or reaching out online to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a beautiful smile with Invisalign. 

If you are ready to make the changes that will affect how you feel and look and live your life smiling, call one of our convenient office locations to speak with Invisalign provider Dr. Scott Runnels today.

Serving patients in Destin 32541, Fort Walton Beach 32547, Freeport 32439, Rose Mary Beach 32461, Water Sound 32416, Niceville 32578, Panama City Beach 32413, Santa Rosa Beach 32459, Miramar Beach 32550, and Panama City 32459