Invisalign in Santa Rosa Beach

It can be easy for misaligned or crooked teeth to affect your quality of life. If you are looking for a solution to straighten your teeth, Dr. Runnels offers InvisalignⓇ in Santa Rosa Beach as an exciting and discreet alternative to braces.

With InvisalignⓇ in Santa Rosa Beach, Dr. Runnels and his team are determined to help make your smile the best it can be. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out if InvisalignⓇ in Santa Rosa Beach may be right for you!

What is InvisalignⓇ in Santa Rosa Beach?

InvisalignⓇ is growing in popularity as an alternative to braces. Comprised of thermoplastic material, InvisalignⓇ aligners are clear applicators that can help straighten teeth for a happier, healthier smile. These aligners closely resemble that of a teeth-whitening tray and are customized especially for you.

What can be expected of the InvisalignⓇ treatment process in Santa Rosa Beach?

Once you have met with Dr. Runnels and have been supplied with your aligners, you can begin using them as instructed. After approximately every two weeks, you will be advised to alternate between pairs of InvisalignⓇ  aligners you receive from. While the average amount of aligners needed for an InvisalignⓇ treatment plan is between 18-30, the amount of aligners you may need will be determined during your appointment with Dr. Runnels.

How long will I need to wear the InvisalignⓇ aligners in Santa Rosa Beach?

To get the most of your results, Dr. Runnels recommends wearing your aligners between 20-22 hours out of the day, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing your teeth.

How long does the InvisalignⓇ treatment plan usually take in Santa Rosa Beach?

The exact duration of your InvisalignⓇ treatment plan will depend on the extent of misalignment in your teeth. The average length of InvisalignⓇ treatment plans is around 12 months for adults. To find out what your InvisalignⓇ treatment plan will be like, schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Runnels.

What are some benefits of using InvisalignⓇ in Santa Rosa Beach?

  • InvisalignⓇ aligners are practically unnoticeable
  • InvisalignⓇ aligners do not require the use of metal wires or brackets, unlike that of braces
  • InvisalignⓇ aligners are easily removable, unlike braces that are fixed onto the teeth
  • You will be able to see how straightened your teeth will look prior to your treatment, thanks to InvisalignⓇ  virtual results

Braces aren’t the only way to straighten teeth for a healthy smile. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out if InvisalignⓇ in Santa Rosa Beach can help you smile happier and healthier!