Invisalign in Niceville

Are misaligned teeth keeping you from smiling often? Are they affecting your quality of living? In the past, braces have been used as a go-to solution for teeth alignment. However, Dr. Runnels offers the teeth-aligning solution of the future in Niceville: InvisalignⓇ.

With InvisalignⓇ in Niceville, Dr. Runnels and his team are determined to help make your smile the best it can be. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out if InvisalignⓇ in Niceville may be right for you!

What is InvisalignⓇ in Niceville?

InvisalignⓇ is becoming a more and more popular option amongst Orthodontists to straighten teeth without the use of uncomfortable metal wiring or brackets. InvisalignⓇ utilizes virtually invisible aligners made from a thermoplastic material that is custom-made to fit your teeth; these aligners are close in resemblance to teeth-whitening trays. InvisalignⓇ aligners are easy to remove when it comes time to brush, floss, eat or drink, making InvisalignⓇ a significantly more comfortable treatment than braces.

How does InvisalignⓇ in Niceville work to straighten teeth?

The InvisalignⓇ aligners gradually work to straighten the position of your teeth from their original misalignment. Dr. Runnels will supply you with various aligners based on your individualized treatment plan.

What can be expected from the InvisalignⓇ process in Niceville?

Once you have been supplied with your first set of aligners, Dr. Runnels will provide you with instructions of wearing them. Typically, patients will need to wear each set of aligners for an estimated two weeks each. Once the first two weeks of your InvisalignⓇ treatment plan have ended, you will begin wearing the next set of aligners. InvisalignⓇ aligners will need to be taken out whenever you eat, drink, brush, or floss your teeth. With proper use, you may be able to see results of properly aligned teeth as time progresses.

How long do I need to wear the InvisalignⓇ aligners in Niceville?

Each patient will have a unique treatment plan that Dr. Runnels will help them create based on the extent of the misaligned teeth. Usually, patients who are treated with InvisalignⓇ commit to between 6-15 months of using their aligners. Dr. Runnels will help you determine how long your InvisalignⓇ treatment plan will be during your consultation appointment.

What are some benefits of straightening my teeth with InvisalignⓇ in Niceville?

  • InvisalignⓇ aligners are easily removable when it comes time to eat, drink, brush or floss your teeth
  • InvisalignⓇ aligners are clear and virtually invisible, unlike braces
  • InvisalignⓇ aligners do not have metal brackets or wires that can cause you discomfort
  • You will be able to see your expected results ahead of time through InvisalignⓇ virtual results

If crooked or misaligned teeth are affecting your quality of life or keeping you from smiling, InvisalignⓇ is a treatment option you may consider. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out if InvisalignⓇ in Niceville may be right for you!