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How to Maintain Straight Teeth After Getting Braces Off

It’s the day you’ve been waiting for since you begin thinking about straightening your teeth. If you are preparing to have your braces removed, following the instructions of your dentist is critical to maintaining the straight, even, beautiful results you’ve achieved.

1. Wear Your Retainer

Depending on the specifics of your bite, the orthodontist may recommend that you wear a retainer after having your braces removed. This may be either a top retainer, lower retainer, or both. If you don’t wear the appliance at night as instructed, your teeth may begin to shift back to their original positions.

Clean your retainer regularly and wear it consistently. The same goes for any guards you have been prescribed to prevent teeth grinding. For most people, the length of time to wear the retainer after braces come off is sufficient to ensure that teeth are completely settled in their new positions.

However, some orthodontists recommend wearing retainers indefinitely to protect results. Talk with an orthodontist about the right type of retainer for your individual needs.

2. Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Brushing after every meal and flossing at least once a day keeps your teeth healthy and strong and prevents gum disease. This is important since losing a tooth to decay will mean the end of the perfect smile you’ve worked so hard for over the past few years.

Also, poor oral health can affect your overall health and well-being as well. You should also avoid foods that can stain your teeth.

3. Have Regular Follow-Up Appointments

Check in with the orthodontist annually or more frequently if directed. He will notice any early signs of shifting in your newly straight teeth while it can still be easily corrected.

And if you notice any changes in your smile, talk to the orthodontist as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more your teeth will be affected.

Most adults with braces can expect to wear the devices for two to three years to get the desired results. This is a substantial investment that you want to maintain for a lifetime. By following your post-removal instructions, wearing your retainer as directed, and caring for your teeth and gums, your new gorgeous smile will be the first thing people see for years to come.

Contact Runnels Orthodontics today to schedule an appointment.

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