
How to Care for Your New Braces

Choosing to wear braces to help you improve your smile is a bold decision. More so, it is a decision that is likely to impact your life in a positive manner. Many people who have taken steps to correct their crooked teeth with the use of these devices have not only found it easier to show off their teeth, but they have also gained new confidence.

Once the braces have been fitted, it will be important to make sure that you take proper care of them. It is the only way to guarantee that your treatment will not be negatively affected. If you are thinking of getting braces, M. Scott Runnels D.M.D., P.A. Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics recommends that you follow these guidelines:

Flossing and Brushing with Braces

It is extremely crucial that you floss and brush on a regular basis when you have braces to ensure that your gums and teeth remain healthy during the duration of the treatment. Failure to keep your teeth clean during this period may require you to make extra trips to the dentist to have them professionally cleaned.

If you are an adult with a preexisting history of gum disease, it will be important to ensure that you periodically visit us for orthodontic treatment.

Eating with Braces

What type of foods can you eat when you have braces? Well, let’s start by talking about what you should not be eating! Ensure you stick to very soft foods on your first day. This means that you will need to stay away from raw vegetables, hard breads, and tough meats.

However, it will not be long before you are able to eat steak again. But as long as you still have your braces, you need to ensure that the orthodontic appliances are well protected when eating. You will need to learn how to chop up your food into tiny pieces before putting it into your mouth. Additionally, learn to use your back teeth when chewing.

Foods to Avoid

Some of the food items you need to avoid when you have braces include:

• Foods that you must bite into, e.g. carrots, apples, and corn on the cob
• Chewy foods, e.g. licorice, hard rolls, and bagels
• Sugary foods, e.g. candy
• Crunchy foods, e.g. ice and popcorn
• Hard foods, e.g. hard pretzels and nuts
• Sticky foods, e.g. gum and caramels

Chewing on hard items, such as fingernails, pencils, and pens, can easily damage your newly acquired braces. Whenever a brace (bracket) becomes loose and stops being attached to the teeth, this means that the affected teeth will stop moving. In addition, this means that the treatment will take much longer than anticipated.

If you are interested in getting traditional, ceramic, or lingual braces, contact M. Scott Runnels D.M.D., P.A. Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics today! We have offices located in Destin and Inlet Beach, FL.

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