
How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?

When it comes to achieving a confident, straight smile, most dentists recommend orthodontic braces. At Runnels Orthodontics in Destin, FL, we frequently incorporate braces into our patients’ treatment plans. Most of our patients have a common question: “How long do braces take to straighten teeth?” As you’ll see, the answer depends on a variety of factors.

Understanding Braces

Orthodontic braces are devices that help align and straighten your teeth. Braces can be used for:

  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Crossbites
  • Deep bites
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gap teeth

Braces can correct various flaws in the teeth and jaw. Braces work by applying continuous, even pressure over a period of time to slowly move teeth in a specific direction.

What Influences the Duration of Treatment?

The duration of treatment, or how long you have to wear braces, varies significantly from person to person. Some of the factors influencing the duration of treatment include the following.

Severity of the Issue

The extent of your dental problems is a major factor contributing to how long you’ll need to wear braces. Simple issues like minor crowding may only require around 12 months of treatment, while complex situations like severe jaw correction can take around two years or more.


Orthodontic treatment tends to work faster in younger individuals. This is due to the higher metabolism of the bone cells. Because of this, children and teenagers often have a quicker overall experience compared to adults.

Type of Braces

The type of braces you choose to wear can also influence how long your treatment lasts. In some cases, traditional metal braces require more time when compared to ceramic braces or aligners.

Types of Braces and Their Average Treatment Times

There are many types of braces available. Each has its own advantages, disadvantages, and average treatment times.

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are one of the most common types of braces. These involve bonding metal brackets to each tooth and then connecting each bracket with wire. The treatment time varies from person to person, but the average range is usually one to three years.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces work similarly to metal braces, except that ceramic brackets are bonded to the tooth instead of metal. These braces tend to be slightly less noticeable. Their treatment duration is similar to metal braces.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, like Invisalign, are custom-made plastic trays designed to fit snugly over your teeth. They are removable for activities like eating and brushing and are nearly unnoticeable. In some cases, aligners can work faster than traditional braces, depending on the patient and their orthodontic needs. Average treatment times range from 12 to 18 months.

Post-Treatment Retention

It’s important to remember that once you complete treatment and your braces are removed, your teeth can still shift back into their original positions if you do not properly care for them. We recommend wearing your prescribed retainers after braces to maintain the new position of your teeth successfully. This post-treatment period is just as essential for successful teeth straightening and bite correction as the braces-wearing period itself.

Tips to Ensure Faster Treatment

To ensure your teeth straightening treatment works as quickly as possible, follow these tips:

  • Adhere to the Instructions: Whether it’s about dietary restrictions or oral hygiene, make sure you follow the instructions given as diligently as possible
  • Keep Your Appointments: There’s a reason for the regular check-ups and adjustments, so make sure you attend your appointments to ensure your braces are working effectively
  • Wear Rubber Bands Consistently: If you’re assigned rubber bands as part of your treatment, wear them consistently. They play a critical role in correcting your bite and can affect the overall treatment time
  • Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene: Keep your teeth and braces clean throughout treatment to prevent any potential oral health issues, which could delay successful treatment

Following these tips will ensure that your smile becomes as healthy and straight as possible.

Understanding the Journey of Braces

Understanding the journey of braces is important as you go through the process. Once we attach your braces, your teeth will gradually shift into their correct positions. This can be uncomfortable at times, but we use advanced technology called SmartClip brackets to enhance comfort by reducing friction. The results are well worth it!

We will regularly adjust your braces to ensure the right amount of pressure is smoothly applied to each tooth so that it can successfully continue its movement. After the active phase of your orthodontic treatment, you’ll enter the retention phase. This is where your retainer will come into play.

Wearing your retainer as prescribed will prevent your teeth from shifting back into their initial positions. Your retainer plays just as important a role as the braces themselves.

Orthodontic Braces in Destin, FL

How long braces treatment lasts isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The duration of your orthodontic treatment will depend on several factors, from the severity of your needed bite correction to the type of braces you choose. Braces are a significant commitment and worthwhile investment because they yield excellent results. They not only straighten your teeth for a more aesthetic smile, but they also benefit your oral health overall.

Because braces are such an important investment, you want to choose an orthodontist you can have a good and trustworthy relationship with; after all, you’ll be seeing a lot of each other during the months of treatment!

At Runnels Orthodontics, our team of orthodontic specialists can help assess the state of your teeth and offer treatment options that enhance your oral health while fitting into your routine and lifestyle. Contact our office to learn how we can help you achieve a straighter, more confident smile.

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