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Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

If you’re serious about looking your absolute best, caring for your teeth can help you realize your objective. As many orthodontic experts know, prevention is the best route to take when you’re caring for your smile. This means that brushing, flossing, and eating right will pay an integral role in helping you keep your pearly whites in excellent condition.

However, it’s important to note that many people aren’t certain which foods are good and bad for their teeth. If you’re serious about getting your teeth in excellent condition, you should know that the foods you eat will play an important role in making it happen.

At Runnels Orthodontics, we know the importance of good oral health. More important than just having straight teeth is having healthy teeth. Certain foods can damage or erode teeth and cause cavities or weak enamel. Everyone should be mindful of the foods that can damage teeth – especially those who wear braces. Contact Runnels Orthodontics today to schedule your appointment.

Worst Foods for Teeth

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits are not good for the teeth. This is the case because the highly acidic nature of the fruit can erode an individual’s tooth enamel. This is especially the case for lemon juice and grapefruit. However, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid the vitamin C-rich fruit and juices altogether. You might opt to go for orange juice, which is a less acidic citrus fruit. Dental experts often recommend purchasing store-bought versions of orange juice because they’re fortified with calcium and vitamin D, both of which are excellent for teeth maintenance.

Chewy Candy

Chewy candy is bad for the teeth, especially if it is sticky. Extra-chewy candies such as caramels, taffy and juju fruits can stick to the teeth for long periods of time. This allows bacteria within the mouth to feed on the sugar. The bacteria then burns sugar to formulate acid, and this dissolves the tooth enamel’s protective layer. The end result is cavities. Chewy candy can also wreak havoc on those with braces. The candy can get stuck in the brackets and to the teeth, compromising your orthodontic work.

Other Bad Foods

Some of the other foods that are quite bad for the teeth include coffee, tea, crackers, wine, sports drinks, pickles and sodas. These can cause stains to both teeth and braces, making it harder to whiten them after orthodontic treatment has ended.

Best Foods for Teeth


Like saliva, water helps wash away acids and sugars that collect on the teeth. Additionally, water contains fluoride, a mineral which aids the fight against tooth erosion. This is why water is one of the best consumables you can ingest for your teeth. Not to mention, it’s great for overall health and wellness to boot!

Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables are a nutritionist’s favorite because they have healthy cholesterol levels while also promoting good digestion. Additionally, leafy vegetables are great for the maintenance of teeth, mostly because you have to chew them very well. In fact, eating a bowl of beans or spinach is largely equivalent to putting each of your teeth through a car wash. The chewing generates the production of saliva, and the food will physically scrub your teeth.


Strawberries contain malic acid, which is a natural whitener of our teeth enamel. To reap the teeth-enhancing benefits of strawberries, you can make your own paste by crushing some of the fruits and mixing them with baking soda. Next, spread the mixture onto your teeth with a toothbrush and let it sit for five minutes. Then brush it off to reveal a much brighter smile.

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